Location Services Framework

What Is LSF?

  • The Location Services Framework (LSF) is an abstract framework enabling storage and retrieval of geographical (“location”) information about entities observed in a proximal network.
  • The framework does not define a specific implementation – that is, there are many ways to implement a location-based solution using LSF.
  • The LSF is written in C++.
  • Beechwoods’ software team offers customization, system integration and support and maintenance services.
Location Services Framework

Ecosystem Support

LSF was originally designed as an AllJoyn project which was part of the AllSeen Alliance’s Technical Steering Committee Services group. This alliance and project is now part of the Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF).

OCF is dedicated to ensuring secure interoperability for consumers, businesses and industries by delivering a standard communications platform, a bridging specification, an open source implementation and a certification program allowing devices to communicate regardless of form factor, operating system, service provider, transport technology or ecosystem.

Open Connectivity Foundation Member
  • Beechwoods is a Platinum Member of OCF.
  • Beechwoods chairs the OCF Healthcare Project.
  • Beechwoods chairs the OCF Audio/Video Task Group, which is responsible for defining the specifications for A/V IoT solutions.